Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Love Motivation

Jesus next has a conversation with Peter about love in a text that is very familiar and one on which we have heard many sermons. He asks Peter three times about his love for Him. Some think that Jesus is doing this to remind Peter that he denied Him three times so that Peter may understand the measure of grief our Lord felt in the denial. I don’t personally think that is the case. Retribution doesn’t seem to be our Lord’s pattern.

I think Jesus was impressing Peter with the need for love in service. He deeply wanted Peter to reflect His love to those with whom he came in contact and ministered. Jesus desires that we also minister to others through the motivation of love, not obligation. Yes, it is our responsibility to use our gifts to serve others, but not grudgingly or under compulsion but lovingly.

Notice the difference in instruction after Peter’s response. First, Jesus said “Tend (feed) my lambs”, then “Shepherd My sheep”, and finally “Tend My sheep”. Jesus divides the flock in two different categories; lambs and sheep. He also seems to distinguish between feeding and caring for them in other ways. I’m reminded that caring for our own children is much different when they are babies than when they are grown. We feed babies differently, supervise them more closely, and protect them more carefully. As children grow and mature our role changes as they gain independence. Then we take on more of a counseling responsibility. Rather than make decisions for them, we give guidance and suggestions. They become prepared to feed and shepherd.

Consider the difference between the terms feed and shepherd. One is much broader than the other. When the word shepherd is used we all think of Psalm 23 for there the effective shepherd is described. I would encourage you to read that Psalm today as we close our devotional time.

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