Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jesus’ Attitude

As I read and reflect on this passage discussing Jesus trial and crucifixion I’m impressed by His attitude we see mentioned several times. First, notice in 18:7-8 His concern for His disciples during this extreme time of testing. As soon as He encountered the Roman soldiers He asked them to clarify their purpose and then to not involve His disciples.

Secondly, notice when Peter cut off the ear of the high priest’s slave, Jesus rebuked him and healed the man’s ear (Luke 22:51). Jesus expressed love and care during this difficult time not only for His disciples but also for those who were His enemies. Certainly, we wouldn’t act this way if we were under the threat of imminent death.

Shortly after his show of support Peter denied our Lord three times during the crucifixion. Luke 22:61 tells us the “Lord turned and looked at Him”, I’m sure revealing sadness and compassion. Apparently, as the eyes of the two met, Peter must have been significantly impacted. Scripture tells us he wept bitterly because of his failure.

Notice in 18:19-23 Jesus reaction to the officer who struck Him. He questions his motive, but remains calm and composed. He doesn’t shout, argue, or attempt to defend Himself physically in any way.

Consider also Jesus’ attitude toward Pilate as He was being questioned. There was no fear except on the part of Pilate. Jesus even told Pilate (19:11)that he had no power over Him unless it was given to Him by God. Although Jesus didn’t look forward to the burden of the weight of the sins of the world, He knew that was the Father’s plan and accepted It willingly.

Although Jesus attitude toward the two men who were crucified with Him isn’t mentioned by John, the other gospels show one of compassion toward the one who recognized Him as His Savior.

Finally, just before His death remember his attitude toward His Mom. He loved her deeply and assigned John the responsibility of caring for her.

Throughout this awful scene Jesus exhibited continuing love and care for those around Him. It is amazing to contemplate that He has that same love for you and I today.

1 comment:

Greg G said...

Great thoughts Joe! We miss you at the ALARM board meetings.